Scan-Based Data Recovery in Clayton

The first stage of attempting to recover data is to dedicate a machine to scan the hard drive sector by sector to see if we can get data. This can sometimes work on faulty hard drives or when you accidently delete data. This process usually takes a few days and can often be successful for minor faults.

Our scan based Data Recovery Services have a capped price based on the time taken to recover data. The less work we do, the less you pay.

Platter-Level Data Recovery in Clayton

If scanning the drive for days turns up no results, then it is time to take it to the next level. At this stage of recovery we send the offending drive to our offsite recovery lab where it is worked on in a dust free environment. The drive is disassembled and alternate parts are introduced along with other measures. This process can take a few days or months depending on what is needed.

This service is flat-rate and no matter how long it takes or how many parts we need to order in to get the drive responding, you only pay that price.

Mobile Device Data Recovery in Clayton

With smartphones becoming so important to day-to-day life, we find more and more people carry personal data that is not backed up. From meeting notes to photos to confidential documents. Damaging your phone can have severe repercussions with data loss.

If your phone has taken damage or you accidently deleted your data, the first thing you want to do is switch the device off. The more you use it, the less likely a successful data recovery will be possible. Note that recovery can take time, so be ready with an alternate phone or tablet to use while it is out of action.

USB / Solid State Data Recovery in Clayton

USB Thumb Drives and Solid State Disks are a newer technology that makes use of non-moving parts that carry a superior speed to them. However this technology is much harder to recover data from. Many recovery labs simply refuse to look at these devices due to the work involved to re-interface, decrypt and recover the data from them.

Data Recovery is also available in the following suburbs: