My Job included a Data Backup, Where is my data located?
- C:\Data Backup
- C:\Databackup
- C:\Backup
- On your desktop called Backup
- In many, if not most, occasions; your data will be restored to its original location (aka My Documents, My Music etc..)
I had an Anti-Virus program before I had my computer Serviced!
Note that we do not install (outside of newly purchased products) Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware or Anti-Malware products as part of the general servicing (Unless explicitly requested). Most customers either have a current subscription to an Internet Securiy Provider or are using a free service. We would strongly recommend re-installing this as a priority. We would also recommend a purchased Internet Protection suite as they offer more than just base level protection. If you do not have one of these, please speak to one of our sales team to arrange.
If you already have a security program, check our How-To section to see if yours is listed.
Where are my programs? I was told my data was backed up!
We make all attempts to ensure that you, as the end user, have been informed fully as to what the steps needed to fix your computer involve. In many cases this includes a clean or factory reload of the Operating System (OS). When this occurs, we give you the option of backing up your data. Unfortunatly the term 'data' is one that is used very loosly in the IT industry, and as such it can easily be misunderstood.
Although data such as Documents, Music, Photos and other files can be backed up, the programs used to interface them cannot be so easily. Programs such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader and your Anti-Virus software must be reloaded upon reciept of your newly reloaded computer. Because it can be stressful and difficult to do on your own, we offer you several download links to different configurations to help you get quickly started in using your system again.
Note that we do not install (outside of newly purchased products) Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware or Anti-Malware products as part of the general servicing (Unless explicitly requested)
- Click Here for General Necessities (Total 208 Downloads)
(Basic software required for most if not all Computers) - Click Here for General Necessities + Free Anti-Virus (Total 194 Downloads)
(Basic software required for most if not all Computers plus Microsoft Security Essentials) - Click Here for General Necessities + Open Office (Total 181 Downloads)
(Basic software required for most if not all Computers plus Open Office for those who do not currently own Microsoft Office) - Click Here for General Necessities + Free Anti-Virus + Open Office (Total 163 Downloads)
(Basic software required for most if not all Computers plus Both Extras mentioned above)
After a Windows Reinstall, my Outlook or email client is not receiving emails.
Although we import your emails back into your email client (upon request) we are unable to do the account settings. Upon receiving your computer back, you will need to go into the account settings and fill out your username and password. If you are unsure about your mail configuration, please contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP), alternatively if you are confident enough to attempt this yourself, select your mail provider from the list below;
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Note: This can be subject to drastic changes based on your mail hosts settings.
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:*
* Unwired accounts require authentication on the outgoing mail server. The username is 'username.unwired' and the password is your email password.
Account Type: POP3
Incoming Server:
Outgoing Server:
If you continue to have problems after contacting your email provider, we are happy to help with the additional configuration. Simply bring us the details you do have (Which provider, username and password) and we will set it up for you for a small charge of $15.00 inc GST. Please allow up to an hour for us to complete the job as we may need to contact the provider on your behalf (Where possible). In such cases we would need the computer left behind for that period of time.
What is the Windows 8 Shortcut for ...
To try to help you, we have compiled a small list of shortcuts that can be used to operate and navigate Windows 8 and 8.1 easily.
Please note that where we reference the term 'charm' it refers to the small pop-out sidebar that appears.
+ D: Go to Desktop (Traditional)
+ R: Open Run Dialogue (Traditional Desktop)
+ Q: Search Applications (Apps)
+ W: Search Settings
+ F: Search Files
+ L: Lock Computer
+ O: Lock Screen Orientation (Tablets Only)
+ I: Settings Charm (You can Shutdown/Restart from here)
+ U: Launch Narrator
+ C: Open Main Charms Sidebar (Same as hovering mouse in bottom right corner)
+ P: Secondary Screen Options
+ H: Sharing Charm
+ K: Devices Charm
+ X: Alternative (Right Click) Menu for start button
Why do you require authorization for Credit Cards when not present?
While many stores may accept your credit card details without further verification, our policies dictate that we must ensure that you are the owner or are authorized by the owner to use the card in question.
The IT Industry is riddled with fraud and as such we have taken it upon ourselves to ensure that we play no part in this. If you would like to pay an invoice using credit card and are unable to have the card and/or owner present for pickup or have the goods delivered, you are required to fill out an authorization form as well as supply both the front and back of the Credit Card as well as the front and back of a Drivers License or other legally accepted Photo ID with signature.
The Authorization form can be downloaded here in PDF form: [ Download ]